Panurbana 096 t'Zonnehuis
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Panurbana 096
collage: 12 photos
format: 125 x 70 cm
Amsterdam 20221
Tuindorp Oostzaan built for residents of the impoverished working-class neighborhoods of the city center.
Residential area for the workers who worked in the shipbuilding industry at the Amsterdamse Droogdok Maatschapij (ADM 1877-1985)
and the Nederlandse Dok en Scheepsnbouw Maatschapij (1894-1979 NDSM)
Association building 'Tuindorp Oostzaan' was built in 1932 to a design by J.H. Mulder (1888-1972) in the style of the Amsterdam School.
At the rear of the building 4 statues of the sculptor W. IJzerdraad and M.Vreugde, a father, mother and two children.
Later this building was given the name 't Zonnehuis, a home for various associations.
The large and the blue hall housed various drama, singing and harmony associations.
Movie nights and boxing competitions were also organised.
The philosophy that a thriving social life is important for the education of the working class.