The closer to a building, the clearer the details.

But then you miss the contours. PANURBANA shows both.

I photograph buildings and I call that photo collection Panurbana.

PAN stands for Panorama and Urbana for city.

I photograph the buildings from a fixed point of view and take different photos.

After developing the film, I glue the photos together and create a collage. A Panurbana.

I experiment and explore time, space within the photo.

Every Thursday morning at 7 am a new Panurbana is online and can be seen

on social media such as: Instagram, youtube, flickr and my website:


Marc Rietdijk (05-08-1968, Amsterdam) is a photographer en filmmaker.

Marc is a storyteller and he does that with images.

Two or three-dimensional and moving or not. Images that encourage you to look into what you can get lost in, and leave space to the imagination.

His photography is a quest: How much image do you need? When does viewing change to seeing? And seeing and experiencing and imagining?

see more:

I capture buildings from my childhood in parts,

and stick them together to rebuild the city.

This is my Amsterdam: photos of buildings that are special to me and which I am curious about and the origin or history.

During the Corona epidemic lockdown in February 2020, I started photographing the deserted streets and canals of Amsterdam.

Every week I posted a photo collage or 'Panurbana' on my website and on social media.

As a child I was fascinated by old photos of Amsterdam. In the library I borrowed the books of pioneer photographers as B.F. Eilders, G.H. Breitner and J.Olie. On my bike I went to check whether the buildings of their photo's still existed.

Jacob Olie

Warmoegracht 1894

Panurbana 98

Raadhuisstraat 2021

In the photos of the pioneer photographers, time stands still and fragments of Amsterdam

look the same as 100 years ago: the buildings, the people on the street, the horse-drawn trams and handcarts.

In my Panurbana's time is frozen again, while Amsterdam is moving on.

What will the city look like in 100 years,

when cars and trams have disappeared from the streets and the sea level has risen?

The Panurbana Atlas

On October 27, 2025, Amsterdam will be 750 years old.

A good reason to bundle the Panurbana collages into an atlas.

"The Panurbana Atlas of Amsterdam".

An architectural journey through the city's past and present.

Panurbana history

Reichstagsgebäude Berlijn, 1997
Reichstagsgebäude Berlijn, 1997
De Hef Rotterdam,  2019
De Hef Rotterdam, 2019
Dom Luís I brug, Porto 1993
Dom Luís I brug, Porto 1993
Tyne Cot Cemetery, Passendale  2018
Tyne Cot Cemetery, Passendale 2018
Bremer Rathaus, Bremen 1993
Bremer Rathaus, Bremen 1993
Big Ben, Londen 1992
Big Ben, Londen 1992
Trafalgar square, Londen 1995
Trafalgar square, Londen 1995
Manneken Pis Belgium - Bruxelles 2018
Manneken Pis Belgium - Bruxelles 2018
Westminster abbey, London 1995
Westminster abbey, London 1995
Alexanderplatz, Berlin 1996
Alexanderplatz, Berlin 1996
Atomium, Bruxelles 2019
Atomium, Bruxelles 2019
Danube, Budapest 1993
Danube, Budapest 1993
Potsdamerplatz, Berijn 1997
Potsdamerplatz, Berijn 1997

I made my first panoramic photos (around 1988) while studying sculpture at

the art academy. On holiday in France I wanted to photograph an old Romanesque church.

It was important to photograph the church in its entirety, but also capture the details of the apostles around the front door. By taking several photos and then gluing them back together in a collage, I had captured the entire church, but because of the high resolution i was also able to study the details.

collage technique

Panurbana's are shot analogously. 

With an old Nikkormat FN an almost completely mechanical camera. 

The camera has a small light leak, causing the film to be slightly overexposed.

This gives a distinct signature to the Panurbana's and makes the collages unique.

I develop the film myself, like an old alchemist. 

It is still exciting whether the film comes out of the developing tank

properly exposed. The photos don't quite fit together because of

the fixed 50mm lens and shifting perspective.

Our brain corrects our eyes for the perspective errors. 

So that a new illusion of a building is created.

Panurbana ART puzzle

In honor of the 10th Panurbana, panorama video, a special ART Puzzle of 500 pieces has been made.

Now for sale Panurbana, Westertoren

Sent an email for: numbers of puzzle pieces an prizes