Panurbana 131 Kriterion

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Panurbana 131


Amsterdam Atlas
collage: 10 photos
format: 115x 105 cm

 Amsterdam 2022

Filmtheater Kriterion opened in November 1945.
Located in the old association building of the Jewish workers
‘vereniging Handwerkers Vriendenkring'.
This association, founded in 1869, had the following objective:
to improve the living conditions of Jewish Amsterdammers.
The association was banned in 1942 by the German occupiers
and the building was used by the NSB.
After the war, the building was bought by the Stichting Onderlinge
Studentensteun (S.O.S.S.) and the building converted into a cinema.
S.O.S.S. was aimed at enabling students to earn the costs of their studies themselves.
In addition to the cinema, the 'Oppascentrale Kriterion' was founded (1949)
and a petrol station 'Studenten Pomp Kriterion' (1960).
To this day, the cinema is run by students.