Panurbana 133 kademuur Singel

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Panurbana 133

kademuur Singel

Amsterdam Atlas
collage: 17 photos
format: 160 x 95 cm

 Amsterdam 2022

Amsterdam has more than 1500 bridges and 600 km of quays and banks with a total length of 600 km.
The oldest canal is the Oudezijds Voorburgwal (1385).  The longest is the Singelgracht 6.3 km and the
shortest is the Beulingsloot of 50 meters. For decades, the municipality has only repaired bridges and quays
when they showed external damage or were in danger of collapse. Due to years of cutbacks and

overdue maintenance, many quay walls and bridges are in very poor condition and are on the verge of collapse.
As an emergency solution, quay walls are reinforced with a safety construction of steel sheet piles.
The cost of repairing the bridges and quays is probably about two billion euros.
When the quays were built, most traffic consisted of handcarts and horse and carriage.
Perhaps now is the time to turn the canal belt into a walking area
and to ban car and freight traffic from the city centre.