Panurbana 137 oudemanhuispoort

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Panurbana 137


Amsterdam Atlas
collage: 11 photos
format: 140 x 90 cm

 Amsterdam 2022

In the orchard of the old women's monastery opened an old people's home in the early 1600s.
With money raised by a lottery, a new building was built for about 150 elderly people.
In 1754 the building was demolished and replaced by the current building, designed by the mayor Pieter Rendorp (1703-1760).
In 1757, the eighteen cabinets in the Oudenmanhuispoort passage were opened and goods, silver and books were traded.
At the end of 1831, the number of residents of the old man's house declined and the building was closed.
During the cholera epidemic in 1832, cholera patients were cared for in the building.
In 1836, the academy of visual arts was established in the west and north wings of the building.
In 1877, the University of Amsterdam moved into the building and is still located there.