Panurbana 147 muurschildering Piet Parra

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Panurbana 147

muurschildering Piet Parra

Amsterdam Atlas
collage: 12 photos
format: 120 x 110 cm

On the wall near the playground of the Theo Thijsenschool is a mural
by the artist Piet Parra (pseudonym of Pieter Jansen 1976).
Parra is best known abroad for his graphic work, sculptures and paintings.
But he also designed sneakers for Nike and is one of the members of the band LeLe.
You can walk past the mural without discovering a connection between the large ornamental letters.
It is a small puzzle to decipher the line of poetry written on the mural. In 2012,
the schoolchildren were commissioned by Piet Parra to write a poem.
Lisa's poem (aged 7 at the time) was chosen and a line from the poem was used:

“Ik speel in de stad, met alles wat er bestaat.”
“I play in the city, with everything that exists.”