Panurbana 157 van Heutsz monument

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Panurbana 157

van Heutsz monument

Amsterdam Atlas
collage: 9 photos
format: 140 x 43 cm

The van Heutsz monument was designed by the architect Gijbrecht Friedhof (1892-1970)
and the sculptor Frits van Hall (1899-1945).
The monument was unveiled in 1935 by Queen Wilhelmina.
It consists of a four meter high female statue standing under a large sun arch with
two lions on either side with the coat of arms of Amsterdam and Batavia.
In front of the statue is a large pond that symbolizes the water
between the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies.
On either side of it are relief sculptures with various Indonesian images.
The monument was originally a tribute to General van Heutsz (1851-1924),
commander of the 'Dutch East Indies Army' (KNIL).
The monument has always been controversial because Van Heutsz led
a reign of terror in the Dutch East Indies and especially on 'Atjeh'.
In progressive circles Van Heutsz was seen as a colonial oppressor and in
1967 and 1984 bomb attacks were committed on the monument.
In 1984, the plaque with the image of Van Heutsz was stolen. In 2001, the name of
the monument was officially changed to 'Monument Indië Nederland’.