Panurbana 125 bern bunnies

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Panurbana 125

bern bunnies

Amsterdam Atlas
collage: 19 photos
format: 150 x 100 cm

 Amsterdam 2022

The ‘berm bunnies’ are made by Saske van der Eerden (1971) and are located in the Western harbor area.
Three polyester rabbits, the standing rabbit 5.7 meter high, the sitting rabbit 4.3 meter and the lying rabbit 3 meter.
It is reminiscent of the giant rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, which shouts that he is much too late.
It makes me pedal harder not to miss the ferry to Zaandam.
Along the way I expect to meet the Queen of Hearts and the Cheshire cat.
But at the end of the road, where the boat is waiting, you will be rewarded with a huge statue
of 'Kissing Couple XXXL' (2017). (Panurbana 34) Which was also made by Saske van Eerde.