Panurbana 148 schoolkinderbadhuis

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Panurbana 148


Amsterdam Atlas
collage: 12 photos
format: 100 x 100 cm

In 1901 the first Central School Children's Bathhouse was opened,
designed by Hendrik Leguyt (1840-1907).
The bathhouse is designed in Chalet style, a name that refers to the
Swiss chalet as a source of inspiration (see also Panurbana 058).
Bathhouses were built at the beginning of the 19th century in
the interest of the general "water civilization".
With the idea 'learned young is done old', students from surrounding schools
could take a weekly bath in the Schoolchildren's bathhouse.
In 1920, SDAP alderman Mona de Miranda (1875-1942) launched his Badhuizenplan, and the
Schoolchildren's baths were linked to public bathhouses (see also Panurbana 119).
In the 1980s, the last bathhouses were closed, except Badhuis and sauna Da Costa (1903),
the only bathhouse still in existence in the Netherlands.