Panurbana 149 Melkweg
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Panurbana 149
Amsterdam Atlas
collage: 15 photos
format: 165 x 100 cm
Poppodium Melkweg was built in 1890 as a warehouse for the sugar factory Granaatappel
of Spakler & Tetterode, on the grounds of the old sugar factory.
The factory was designed by G.B. Salm (1831-1897) and his son A. Salm (1857-1915)
who are also responsible for the design of the Artis aquarium (see Panurbana 143).
In 1921, the sugar factory went bankrupt and the warehouse was bought by the association
"Onderlinge Vereeniging van Veehouders tot verkoop van zuivere koemelk”
and became part of the milk factory De Eendracht. The bridge for the milk factory
was placed in 1949 and was named the “Friesse Pier”. In 1969 the milk factory was closed.
In 1970 the warehouse was used as a 'kosmies sentrum' for young people.
Due to its success, it was permanently opened in 1973. To this day, the Melkweg
is an international multidisciplinary pop stage.